Need for Exchange of Experiences in Tourism between Ethiopia, Indonesia Stressed

Ethiopia and Indonesia that have huge tourism potential impacting on the economic development of the nations need to enhance cooperation, according to Indonesia’s Ambassador to Ethiopia.

Speaking at the opening of tourism experience sharing forum today, Indonesia Ambassador to Ethiopia Al Busyra Basnur said the event would create opportunity to discuss issue related to the development and enhancement of the tourism sector between the two countries.

Ethiopia and Indonesia have huge potential in tourism that has great impact on economic development of our nations, the ambassador added.

“This event is important and crucial because we are discussing the issues on tourism and economic development at the time we are experiencing a lot of difficulties due to COVID-19 pandemic.”

The forum will help to come up with brilliant thoughts and innovative solutions for the problems of today tourism, Basnur said, adding that “if is the will there is the way.”

Furthermore, the ambassador underscored that Ethiopia and Indonesia are blessed with huge of tourism potential and economic development.

“Ethiopia and Indonesia are two beautiful countries that so many international tourists dream to visit. Before the pandemic, the number of tourists was increasing constantly, including the mutual visit between Indonesia and Ethiopia,” he noted.

“Thanks to the Ethiopian Airlines, it has opened direct flight connecting Addis Ababa to Jakarta since July 2018. This is truly the leap in increasing the level of mutual visit between our two nations.”

Guest of honor and Innovation and Technology Minister, Abrham Belay said the event is very crucial in promoting and advancing tourism sector among the countries.

He recalled that Ethiopia, in both the Homegrown Economic Reform Agenda and 10-year Development Plan, has identified the tourism sector as one of the next drivers of the national economy.

“Not only will we promote local tourism industry but open broader window of opportunity for the private sector to play rewarding role to contributions for economic growth,” the minister noted.

The tourism sector global is undergoing massive shocks as the result of COVID-19 pandemic, Abrham said, adding that the subsequent travel restrictions in every part of the world has been causing a drastic shrink in the growth contribution sector globally.

Therefore, he observed that the sector needs much more innovative remedies of scale applications if we are to withstand the shocks of waves we are currently facing.

Presentations on the opportunity and challenges in the tourism sector in Ethiopia and Indonesia were made at the half-day forum.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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