Nat’l Dialogue Forum Will Resolve Political Polarization, Put Ethiopia on Solid Foundation: Political Party Chair

The upcoming national dialogue is a highly anticipated platform that would put Ethiopia on solid foundation and resolve the long-standing political polarization in the country, Ethiopian Citizens for Social Justice political party Chairperson Yeshiwas said.

Ethiopian Citizens for Social Justice Chairperson Yeshiwas Assefa and the celebrated singer Zeleke Gesesse had discussion with the Ethiopian News Agency about prospects of the upcoming national dialogue which is expected to create a shared common reality and unify the people of Ethiopia around common goals.

The two public figures lauded the government’s positive move and initiative to hold a national dialogue that could be taken as a big step in ensuring a civilized political culture in Ethiopia.

They added that dialogue will also have great importance in building a stable nation and consolidate the nation-building process.

Ethiopian Citizens for Social Justice Chairperson, Yeshiwas Assefa said the national dialogue will be instrumental in closing the country’s destructive political chapter once and for all.

According to him, Ethiopia has failed many times to seize opportunities that could have made it a democratic nation.

A national dialogue like this one could, however, bring the country’s divided political elites together and reach common understanding, the chairperson stated.

Yeshiwas further observed that holding a national dialogue forum requires the cooperation of all concerned bodies in resolving long-standing political disputes.

He believes that the forum will finally enhance the unity and coexistence of the people and ensure the stability and well-being of Ethiopia.

The chairperson stressed that “this forum has come at a critical time to solve the persistent  political disagreements. I hope this will create an environment in which we would not be deterred by the ever-changing political systems. Thus, it is a big step for the government to take this issue seriously.”

The celebrated singer, Zeleke Gesesse, also praised the government’s commitment in creating a national dialogue forum and establishment of a commission.

“The national dialogue would play pivotal role in the future of Ethiopian politics. And what we should expect from this dialogue is that it should engage all the concerned political bodies, both inside and outside the country. I hope we would be able to resolve our differences once and for all through consultation and dialogue.”

Ethiopia established its first ever national dialogue commission in late December, 2021. The commission is tasked with facilitating an inclusive dialogue and reconciliation process that would heal wounds, build a consensus on key issues and help the country to solve its complex problems.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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