National Curricula Review Validation Workshop Conducted

Haramaya University College of Natural and Computational Sciences Conducted National Curricula Review and Validation Workshop of PhD in Mathematics and BSc in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (MBBT) respectively at the University’s Senate Hall on June 11,2021. Dr. Getachew Abebe, Dean of College of Natural and Computational Sciences of Haramaya University, expressed his appreciation and gratitude for the committee members who worked hard on the development of the curriculum through investing their precious time.

Dr. Getachew said that curriculum development is not an easy task and has to be well planned and be purposeful. “If we are working on it, we need to process at the back of our memory; whether our curriculum could help the students achieve the intended learning competence or not,” he added.

Dr Getached added that these curriculum needs to serve as the roadmap to ensure integrated, coherent learning experiences of the student. It contributes towards their personal, academic and professional learning and development of the learners. In short it is supposed to bring meaningful overall attitudinal change, according to Dr Getachew.

Prof. Mengistu Urge, Vice President for Academic Affairs, on his opening speech thanked and appreciated the concerns and contributions of the reviewers and said that since Haramaya University is one of the research universities which are striving to achieve the Ministor of Science and Higher Education (MoSHE) goals in planning and working towards fulfilling the criteria.

All the curricula in Haramaya University, specifically currently prepared by the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, were also internally and externally revised. They were also approved by Higher Education Relevance and Quality Agency (HERQA).

The revised curriculums went through an internal institutional review and were evaluated externally by Higher Education Relevance and Quality Agency (HERQA).

Prof. Mengistu added that although the outcome hasn’t been known yet, Haramaya University was benchmarked by the Partnership for skills in Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology (PASET) for being ranked in the system of sub-African Universities. “These assessments help us in identifying our gaps for our anticipated action regardless of the results we may get,” he added. This PhD curriculum in Mathematics is timely and it is according to the need and the plan of the University.

The workshop was attended by guests from internal and external reviewers, examiners as well as the academic community of HU. Constructive Comments and suggestions were forwarded from the reviewers and the participants.


Source: HARAMAYA University

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