Nation Needs to Shape Diplomacy in Congruence with Int’l Situation: Former UN Diplomat

Ethiopia’s diplomatic approach must be geared toward the existing reality in the world which is witnessing fierce fight among world powers to gain supremacy, former United Nations senior official Tegegnework Getu said.

In his lecture to the staff and diplomats of Ministry of Foreign Affairs today, the senior diplomat focused on how to protect the interests of Ethiopia by taking into account factors shaping international institutions and within the framework of the African Union.

Tegegnework highlighted international and current affairs that are shaping relationships among countries today where Ethiopia is expected to play its role discreetly to protect its interests.

Noting that the fight to get international influence by the world powers has become fiercer, he said such a wrangle is expected to continue as the United Nations is now dominated by these few world powers more than ever.

The former senior UN official further stressed the need for Ethiopia to follow a knowledge-led diplomatic approach that is based on analyses of current international affairs, particularly by looking closely into new development and activities in neighboring countries and the Middle East region.

Ethiopia should strive hard to repel all foreign meddling in its internal affairs by intensifying diplomatic activities, Tegegnework advised.

The former UN official urged Ethiopian diplomats to give the utmost attention to tackling the dissemination of fake information and economic sabotages.

Permanent Representative of Ethiopia to the African Union and UNECA, Ambassador Tesfaye Yilma on his part, underscored the need for cementing ties with the African Union and supporting the Union out of mutual respect and protection of interests.

He also stressed the importance of enhancing regional integration among African countries, noting that Ethiopia should play big role in this regard by actively participating in continental and regional blocs.

According to him, Ethiopia has to intensify its activities in the African Union with a view to ensuring its national interests.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Ethiopia, Demeke Mekonnen and State Minister Birtukan Ayano attended the morning session.



Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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