Nation Disappointed with UNHRC, Won’t Cooperate with Established Mechanism

Ethiopia is extremely disappointed to have witnessed once again the use of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) by some to advance their politically motivated agenda and it will not cooperate with the established mechanism imposed upon it, according to Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In a press release it issued, the ministry stated that regardless of repeated requests by the Government of Ethiopia for the council not to hold a special session but rather engage in a constructive manner and work in a collaborative spirit with the country concerned, some quarters have succeeded in achieving their objective through attaining majority votes in the council.

This is done against the recommendations by the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission which were submitted to the President of the Human Rights Council on 14 December 2021 and to all members of the council requesting it to unequivocally support the implementation of the Joint Investigation Team’s recommendations, the work of the Inter-Ministerial Task Force and for the OHCHR and the EHRC to continue with further joint investigations, it added.

This action by some in the Council is an attempt to find an alternative way of meddling in the internal affairs of a sovereign state and serves no purpose except exacerbating the situation on the ground, it pointed out.

What is even more worrying is that this trend in the proliferation of establishing mechanisms through the council in most cases have failed to attain their objectives and have become merely tools of imposition on countries that refuse interference in their internal affairs, the release noted.

It further underscored that this is why Ethiopia has categorically rejected the special session and its politically motivated outcome which undermines trust in the work of the council, and most importantly, the territorial integrity, national sovereignty and political independence of Ethiopia.

Therefore, Ethiopia would like to reiterate that it will not cooperate with the established mechanism imposed upon it against its consent.

Ethiopia wishes to thank those who have expressed their support and solidarity and reiterates its commitment to continue its efforts to fulfill its obligations under international law to respect and protect human rights.

No More to double standards; No More to unilateral coercive measures; and No More to meddling in internal affairs under the pretext of human rights, the release stressed.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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