Namibia, Cameroon Desirous to Bolster Bilateral Cooperation with Ethiopia

Foreign ministers of Namibia and Cameroon said their countries are desirous to further bolster their bilateral cooperation with Ethiopia.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Demeke Mekonnen has conferred today with Namibian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah and Foreign Minister of Cameroon  Lejeune Mbella Mbella separately.

The deputy premier met with the two ministers on the margins of the 40th ordinary session of the African Union (AU) Executive Council to discuss bilateral issues, according to Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

With his Namibian counterpart Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, Demeke particularly, discussed issues of common concerns and continental issues.

Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Dina Mufti who attended the meeting told ENA that the two countries are desirous to further consolidate bilateral relations.

According to him, Namibia’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs expressed her appreciation to Ethiopia as  the country has always stood by Namibia in times of crisis.

As result, Nandi-Ndaitwah also reaffirmed Namibia’s support for Ethiopia in regional and international venues.

Namibia is keen to work jointly with Ethiopia in the areas of defense, aviation and housing development, said Ambassador Dina.

Finally, Namibian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs has invited her Ethiopian counterpart, Demeke Mekonnen to pay an official visit to Namibia.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Demeke Mekonnen, on his part said Namibia has demonstrated its friendship with Ethiopia at international venues, the spokesperson noted.

He added Ethiopia wants to further strengthen its bilateral and multilateral partnership with Namibia.

Similarly, Demeke has conferred today with Cameroonian Foreign Minister Lejeune Mbella Mbella on ways to strengthen bilateral relations between Ethiopia and Cameroon.

Foreign Affairs Minister of Cameroon has  requested for a political forum with Ethiopia to further strengthen bilateral ties, Dina  told ENA.

He has also expressed his country’s interest to strengthen bilateral relationships with extended engagements in agriculture and joint political consultations.

The Foreign Minister has also asked Ethiopia to open an embassy in Cameroon.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Demeke Mekonnen thanked the government of Cameroon for standing by Ethiopia during the recent unnecessary UN human rights special session on Ethiopia in Geneva.

Ambassador Dina said Ethiopia will work to further strengthen its relations with Cameroon.

Demeke is expected to hold talks with other African foreign ministers on the sidelines of  40th ordinary session of the African Union (AU) Executive Council.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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