Muslims Pledge to Foster Cooperation, Respect as Observed during Eid al-Adha

Residents of the Desie City pledged to further strengthen the good deeds of unity, cooperation, and respect among each other as observed during the celebration of 1443rd Eid al-Adha.

Mohamed Imam told ENA that cooperation, supporting each other, and rallying together during the good and bad times are the valuable essence of Ethiopians.

Stating that he is celebrating Eid al-Adha, with his neighbors, Mohamed said he will continue observing  the valuable culture in a strengthened manner.

He pointed out that he shares to the needy for what he has and is pleased for doing so.

Ali Tefera on his part said that he is celebrating the holiday by supporting and visiting the needy.

He emphasized to do good things for others in  everyday life.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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