Mudslides kill six, thousands displaced in Kenya, Uganda

from HASSAN ONYANGO in Kampala, Uganda Uganda Bureau KAMPALA, (CAJ News) HEAVY rainfall pummeling Uganda and neighbouring Kenya have left at least six people dead.All casualties have been reported in south-western and eastern Uganda. Three have been confirmed in the Rukungiri District, two in Kasese and one in Mbale.Nine people have been injured and three are missing. Excessive rains since late April have caused floods, rivers overflow and landslides.Over 200 households have been affected in Kasese and 26 houses destroyed. In Rakai and Bundibugyo districts and Lukaya town council roads have been cut off closing businesses, according to humanitarian agencies.”Infrastructure, such as latrines and water supply, has been damaged with negative hygiene implications,” the official said. In Kenya, approximately 4 500 displaced families across the south-western Kisumu County due to floods and the Nyando River overflow.Governor Anyang Nyong’o of Kisumu, this past weekend urged residents in flood-prone areas to evacuate. The situation could worsen, with weather experts forecasting more heavy rainfall in both Uganda and Kenya in the coming days. CAJ News

Source: CAJ News Agency

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