MPs Laud Historic Diaspora Resolute, Homecoming in Defending Ethiopia

Members of the parliament(MPs) have praised the historic contribution and firm stand of Ethiopian Diaspora in defending Ethiopia against the unwarranted intervention of some western actors.

Approached by ENA, members of the parliament (MPs) commended the strong commitment and firm stand of the Diaspora in exposing the politically motivated disinformation campaign by the international media outlets and in opposing some western countries’  pressure  on Ethiopia as  historic.

Etsegenet Mengistu, MP,  said that regardless of their political differences, Ethiopians in the Diaspora have resisted the unwarranted and unjust intervention and pressure on Ethiopia resiliently across the globe.

“They are our ambassadors. We have great  respect for the Diaspora  for their unwavering stand to defend the motherland from western intervention which needs to be reversed in a more cohesive manner,” she underscored.

Referring  to the Great Homecoming  of the Diaspora,  Etsegenet said while most parts of the western world are due to celebrate their New year, 2022, “Ethiopians across the world have rather opted to come to their homeland to share the pains of the nation and show to the rest of the world that Ethiopians come first for Ethiopians”.

Some foreign countries have been repeatedly calling on heir citizens to leave Ethiopia based on their own cooked disinformation so as to create disorder and chaos as part of their defamatory acts against  the nation, she added.

Despite the well organized disinformation campaign waged  against  Ethiopia  by some western actors, the MP stressed that the warm response from the Diaspora to come home clearly manifests that Ethiopians are always committed to defending the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the nation, no matter what costs us all.

The other member of the parliament, Isa Boru said despite the difficulties facing the nation at the moment, opportunities have emerged, creating a spirit of cohesion among Ethiopians both internally and abroad.

Especially, Isa noted the commitment of the Diaspora in defending Ethiopia from the unjust intervention of some western countries could be taken as historic as it breaks all the differences created among them  during the past decades.

While the U.S government and some western countries have been busy in recent weeks  to dismantle Ethiopia, the Diaspora have  stood firm and said ‘No More’ for the unwarranted intervention in the internal affairs of the nation, the MP elaborated.

Another member of MP, Anesa Melko, noted for his part that due to various challenges and pressures made by the terrorist TPLF over  the past few decades, most of Ethiopians in the Diaspora had fled their beloved nation.

He added that regardless of what happened for the past 30 years, Ethiopians in the Diaspora have made history in defending the nation at the world stage  where the country needs them most.

The MP lauded  the historic rally the Diaspora staged in more than 27 cities worldwide in single day.

According to the MP, in addition to their resolute stand to defend Ethiopia from any external intervention, their homecoming would be helpful to expose the disinformation and  fabricated agenda some western countries waged on Ethiopia.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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