Move of Achieving Lasting Peace Has Many Implications For Country As Whole: DPM& MF Demeke

Addis Ababa-The move taken to bring about lasting peace in the country has many implications to the country as a whole and to the people facing the problems in particular, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign affairs Demeke Mekonnen said.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has met and convened discussion with members of the federal government and TPLF peace talks committee.

The prime minister held face to face discussion at the Halala Kela cluster section of the Koysha dine project in Dawuro Zone of southern Ethiopia for the first time, it was learned.

During the discussion, the ongoing implementation of the peace agreement was evaluated and directions have also been put forward on issues requiring further attention.

After discussion Demeke told EBC that “the peace deal that is initiated to bring about lasting peace is very meaningful for the country as a whole and for those people who have experienced the problem.”

It is known that the people have greatly anticipated this opportunity for peace and their readiness is clear, he said, adding the two bodies designated for this work have briefed us of the activities they have done so far, identifying issues that need priority in the future.

In general, the ongoing peace deal is in a positive situation, Demeke stated.

Above all, there should be no war and conflict as per the promises in the peace agreement, for in the work that both parties are doing, there are still key issues that need to be addressed: to make them complete and sustainable, he added.

He added: “building peace requires a lot of effort. It is very easy to break the peace and unleash destruction. It is necessary to consolidate the prevailing peace firmly and carefully. This is wise move.”

There are many successes and challenges, he said, adding “this country has great hope; there is threat. It is through confidence building, listening to one another and supremacy of ideas that we will able to overcome the challenges.”

Moreover, he stressed the need to understand any issue that is affecting the country at any level should be viewed against this backdrop, underlining that there is nothing concrete, yielding from emotions and feelings.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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