Ministry Carries Out “Symbolic Tree Seedlings Planting” Campaign

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs carried out a “symbolic tree seedlings planting” in its compound today as part of the ongoing Green Legacy Initiative this rainy season and the plan to expand the activity in neighboring countries.

Foreign Affairs State Minister, Birtukan Ayano told ENA that the ministry launched the symbolic plantation program today and the activities will expand to the selected areas.

“We will also continue to share the initiative to neighboring countries,” she added.

Ethiopia has prepared 1 billion tree seedlings for neighboring countries and called on them to pursue the Green Legacy Initiative in order to combat the effects of climate change together.

Diplomatic communities in the country and Ethiopian embassies abroad will also engage in the tree planting campaign, it was learned.

Foreign Affairs State Minister, Tesfaye Yilma said the ministry’s symbolic participation in the plantation could further encourage neighboring countries to share the initiative to combat the effects of climate change.

“This is a very important and symbolic plantation for the Green Legacy Initiative to combat climate change and transform the country…We have been providing seedlings favorable for neighboring countries too because climate change is borderless,” he said, adding that the drought facing parts of Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti and Kenya calls for collective action of the countries around the Horn of Africa.

Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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