Military Attachés Laud Ethiopia’s Peacekeeping Role Since Korean War

Addis Ababa June 5/2021 (ENA) The military attachés based in Addis Ababa have praised Ethiopia’s long-term commitment and sacrification to ensure peace in Africa and in the world at large.

Following the visit of members of the Association of Military Attaches of various countries to the Ethiopian International Peace Keeping Training Center today, defense attaches of different countries said Ethiopian men and women have played important role in advancing peace in the world’s hot spots from the early days of UN peacekeeping up to today’s most vital operations.

In an exclusive interview with ENA, Zambia  Defense Attaché Brigadier General Musonda Nthenga said Ethiopia has been sacrificing many lives to ensure peace in Africa and the world.

“I would like to say that it has done very well, extremely well. Looking at the time from 1951 to date, a lot has been done. Lots of lives have been lost for peace in Africa and the world,” he noted.

He further pointed out that Ethiopians have even served Korea and they went that far to ensure peace in the world not only in Africa.

The other impressive issue, according to the Zambian Attaché, is the number of female soldiers in the forces, and the UN encourages the participation of women in peacekeeping and peace building.

Brigadier General Nthenga urged Ethiopia to continue its role in peace keeping mission. “I would like to urge Ethiopians to continue with the spirit of their past experience.”

Commenting on the recent doubts raised by some entities that Ethiopia is busy in its own internal security issues, Tanzania Defense Attaché Brigadier General Mohammed S. Mohammed said the recent internal engagement of the country has been to contain peace and security within the nation.

“Otherwise, there is no problem for Ethiopia to continue its contribution in the continent and in the world at large, ” he noted.

Brigadier General Mohammed added that “for me there is no problem regarding its security because I understand Ethiopia.”

Congo Defense Attaché, Colonel Louis Roland Massoukou on his part praised the nation’s army for contributing to peace from 1951 till now.

“I think Ethiopia is the first country in Africa which contributed troops to peacekeeping operation, and I know that Ethiopia has been contributing most in peacekeeping operations at the UN,” he stated.

Australia Defense Attaché to the African Union, GPCAPT Andrew Gilbert stressed that with the experience and long-term contribution it has been involved in the past, Ethiopia should continue its commitment in peacekeeping mission.

“Hopefully we are going to continue to work with Ethiopian peacekeeping mission through the UN. Every time Ethiopia is involved in the UN it will be nice, and Australia is also ready to cooperate in training and other assistance.”

Ethiopia is the largest troop contributor to UN peacekeeping and its participation in UN-authorized operations dates back to 1951, as part of the UN multinational force in the Korean War.


Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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