Massive Victory Started to Unfold in the First Leg of PM Abiy at the Battle Front

Pursuant to his promise to lead the people’s war against terrorist TPLF and its lackeys right from the battle front, Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed, the Commander in Chief of the National Armed Forces of Ethiopia is leading a battle to ascertain the peace, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ethiopia and to set an example against the neo-colonial treachery of some of western powers on the African soil.

The war was fully instigated by the terrorist TPLF supported by some foreign elements in the west with the core objective to dismantle the unity of Ethiopia. Hence, the government and people of Ethiopia are  responsible to save the nation from the conspiracies of foreign elements by using the terrorist group.

There are three aspects to the prime Minister’s role in leading this war against terrorist TPLF and its supporters in the west and the US. First, this is a replica of the Battle of Adwa in modern Ethiopian history in the sense that it is geared towards freeing the entire people of Ethiopia and citizens in Tigray who are languishing under the yoke of the terrorist forces; in short it is a battle for wholesome freedom for all Ethiopians.

Second, this battle is an African battle against neo-colonialism and the adversaries of Pan Africanism. In a century in which many African countries like Congo, Burkina Fasso and a host of other African countries in which their leaders were killed through a shameful cooperation of stooges of neo-colonialism in Africa, the people of Ethiopia at the rear are not only providing logistics support for the peopl’s army but are also deploying their sons and daughters to effectively repulse and destroy the main body and the vestiges of home grown terrorism in Ethiopia.

Third, the war of resistance currently being commanded by the Commander in Chief of the ENDF is a war to ensure and enforce the rule of law not only in Tigray but also in Ethiopia as a whole. Moreover, the successes currently being achieved in all the battle fronts indicates how leadership matters in boosting the morale and fighting stamina of the armed forces, special forces from the regional states, Fanno and the wide spectrum of militia units that are writing a new chapter in the history of this country.

Nonetheless, this war is a war of national identity in which Ethiopia and Ethiopiansim have been visible, rooted and positioned. Prime Minister Abiy has proved in visible practice that he is not only a leader of his country under such tiring days but also one of the protagonists of Pan Africanism. The leaders of the western countries and the US have wrongly predicted that Ethiopia will disintegrate and sought to replace the current democratically elected government by an illegal transition government that would plunge the country into another era of tyranny but what is actually on the ground shows that Prime Minister Abiy is commanding a united army gathered together from all ethnic groups in the country and from all walks of life.

The people of Ethiopia have now followed their commander at the battle front in a united sprit and morale disproving the wrong predictions of the major powers in the west.

This war is a war of reconstruction of the unity of the people of Ethiopia in a democratic political order being led by a leader who vowed to die so that Ethiopia will live forever. This war is a taste case for the moto of Medemer heralded by Prime Minister Abiy as a home grown philosophy of life and national development strategy.

Now the major media outlets and prominent leaders and journalists in Africa and in the diaspora are recognizing the Prime Minister not only as the leader of Ethiopia but an African leader who is running by the force of example and commitment to the comprehensive freedom of peoples of the third world at large and for all who are suffering under the yoke of international terrorism and neo-colonial bondage.

Terrorist TPLF unleashed the most unprecedented crime against humanity in post war Africa in its attempt to destroy Ethiopia dismember and isolate the country from the rest of the world fomenting a reign of terror and agony among the people of Ethiopia. Repulsing this demanded a wave of Ethiopians who are ready to repeat the history of the Battle of Adwa and this has now happened under the leadership of a heroic nationalist and democratic leadership personified in the personality of the leadership of Prime Minister Abiy.

A massive victory started to unfold in the first leg of the Prime Minister at the battle front. The western media were craving for his picture in a military fatigue for their venomous barrage of defamation on an African leader. They never uttered a word when terrorist TPLF killed children, mothers, the elderly, the disabled and religious leaders, burned down churches and mosques but today when the army of the terrorists is in disarray, they have started to beat up on their old chines gong with a far wider voice when under the command of Prime Minister Abiy is pushing a horde of a terrorist army to its irreversible grave yard. With every hour of the presence of the Prime Minister at the front, the battle is raging inch by inch and certainly, with the mass of Ethiopians in the rear providing support for our fighters, victory is on the horizon coming closer and closer. The people of Ethiopia are beyond the prediction of the west writing a anew history in the 21st century.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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