Marib Field Office site profile, January 2023

Located in Marib city, in northeast Yemen, Marib field office opened in 2021, and covers four of the 14 districts of Marib governorate.

Over 1.6 million displaced Yemenis have sought refuge in Marib. Over 93,228 people (15,538 households) have been displaced in or to Marib gov between January 2021 and October 2022.

UNHCR and its partners provide protection, humanitarian assistance and camp coordination support to internally displaced persons and the host communities.


29,133 IDP families (163,853 individuals) have been supported with Core Relief Items in 2022.

22,651 IDP families (131,663 individuals) were reached with vulnerability/needs assessments in 2022.

4,343+ IDP families (24,092 individuals) at six IDP sites in Marib Alwadi and Alsowayda have received support under CCCM activities.

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees

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