Leaked Video Confirms West, TPLF On Same Page to Destroy Ethiopia: EACC President

The recent video showing former Western diplomats and TPLF leaders discussing regime change in Ethiopia is an indisputable confirmation that Western powers and the terrorist TPLF are on “same page to destroy Ethiopia”, President of Ethiopian American Civic Council (EACC) President Yoseph Teferi said.

The leaked video shows Western diplomats and leaders of the terrorist group TPLF discussing plans to overthrow a democratically elected government.

Among the discussant were US Ambassador to Somalia, Donald Yamamoto; Vicki Huddleston, former Chargé d’Affaires ad interim to Ethiopia; and Berhane Gebre-Christos, a longtime TPLF official who served as Ethiopia’s ambassador to the United States for 10 years.

In an exclusive interview with the Ethiopian News Agency, Ethiopian American Civic Council President, Deacon Yoseph Teferi said the leaked video is aimed at pushing the agenda of dismembering Ethiopia and it is highly coordinated and well planned.

“Even though the video is recorded privately and secretly, it has come to the public domain and we now have a full evidence on how the major actors of TPLF in the Diaspora  and some of the authorities and policy makers of the United States as well as other Western countries for the first time privately got together and they were able to be in the same page.”

According to the president, the genealogy of intensifying unhelpful pressure against Ethiopia has evolved from the time last year when the Ethiopian National Defense Force of Northern Command was attacked and it has a similar track record.

Deacon Yoseph stated that the nine-people meeting, which was plotting to overthrow the democratically elected Ethiopian government, is a continuation of the anti-Ethiopian narrative of these Western powers jointly with TPLF.

The intentions of the Western diplomats who were part of that conspiracy meeting were entirely similar to those of the TPLF representatives, he noted.

“Those people were completely in harmony and on the same page. If you see their analysis and criminology in the way that they talked about how the war has progressed and to where it is now is so similar and they were in total agreement with it,” the president explained.

He further added, “We finally got that evidence of the work that they have done which we have witnessed for almost a year and we have now got solid evidence of how this is unfolding right before our eyes.”

Although this new leaked video is a remarkable evidence and confirmation that has fallen into the hands of Ethiopians, government and friends of Ethiopia, “it did not yield anything new. It did not prove anything that we didn’t know, what we didn’t suspect, it just confirmed it and for that we are very grateful,” the president said.

Now the terrorist TPLF is obviously the main actor sworn to destabilizing Ethiopia and the major culprit, he pointed out, adding that it is now crystal clear that some diplomats and policy makers with the U.S Administration and also from other countries are basically discussing  overriding the will of the Ethiopian people.

The president recalled that Ethiopia had conducted elections in June 2021, which can be dubbed as perfect at least in African election practice. “It was the most legitimate, transparent and fair election.”

However,  the ongoing western attempts and the conspiracy by those leaked video participants  to overthrow the democratically elected government disregards the over 40 million votes casted in the 6th General Election, Deacon Yoseph explained.

“In a forum like this when the TPLF agents go on and say that establishing a transitional government to do away with the will of over 40 million Ethiopians, any diplomats and policy makers in the room should first and foremost have objected to such discussion. But they are delegitimizing a major portion of the population of a country like Ethiopia and negating the principle of democracy.”

As the general content of  this video deals with violently overthrowing a government, Deacon Yoseph urged the concerned bodies from the Ethiopian side, including the government, to look into the issue seriously and give a proper reply.

The president said he expects and encourages the Ethiopian government to protest against those people and act for accountability in an attempt to topple down a government in a sovereign nation.

Ethiopian American Civic Council is one of the powerful pressure entity in the diaspora recently working for the protection of Ethiopia’s sovereignty.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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