Leaders of Ethiopia, Sudan Focus on Resolving Issues through Dialogue: PM Nat’l Security Adviser Redwan

The talks between the Ethiopian and Sudanese leaders focused on resolving problems through dialogue and strengthening the friendship between the countries, PM National Security Adviser Redwan Hussein said.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and Transitional Sovereignty Council of Sudan Chairman General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan held discussion on the sidelines of the 39th IGAD Summit in Nairobi, Kenya, yesterday.

The leaders discussed bilateral and regional issues and agreed to work together to resolve differences between Ethiopia and Sudan peacefully.

They also noted that the people of Ethiopia and Sudan have many values in common, and stressed that in the light of this the countries should solve problems only through dialogue and discussion.

The national security adviser, who attended the meeting, said the two leaders have agreed that the long-standing friendship between the two countries should be strengthened.

He also stated that the prime minister has noted that Ethiopia does not believe that the border issue between the two countries could not be a source of conflict.

The leaders emphasized that the people living around the border area are still interacting harmoniously. Thus the two leaders stressed that the two countries should not go into conflict but work together for development.

It is also important to strengthen the trust of the countries by resolving border issues in a participatory manner by involving the African Union and international institutions.

The leaders also pointed out the need for establishing a committee that follows up this work, according to the adviser.

With regard to the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), the two leaders discussed ways to strengthen efforts of the African Union. PM Abiy explained that the dam is a source of development and connectivity in the region.

Redwan said Ethiopia and Sudan have agreed to work together for peace, development, and cooperation based on mutual benefits.

Furthermore, the leaders have reaffirmed their commitment to strengthen the friendship between the two countries.

The adviser also noted that Ethiopia and Sudan share not only border, but also many values; and this has created a great opportunity for the two countries to develop together.

In this regard, he underlined that Ethiopia is committed to resolving any issue between the countries through dialogue, taking into account the long-standing friendship.

He stated that there was a similar interest on the Sudanese side.

After the meeting, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan gave a statement stating that they will work together for the benefit and cooperation of the people.

Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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