Leaders, Friends of Ethiopia Express Readiness to Support Execution of Peace Deal

World leaders, countries and organizations have welcomed the peace agreement signed between the Government of Ethiopia and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front and affirmed their commitment to support its implementation.

It is to be recalled that the Government of Ethiopia has been striving to avoid such devastating conflict and resolve differences peacefully before and during the conflict.

The government has also been constantly expressing its readiness to engage in the African Union-led peace talk firmly believing in African solutions for African problems.

Finally, the government and the TPLF have agreed to bring normalcy based on respecting and upholding the country’s constitution, territorial integrity, and sovereignty.

Reactions from the Rest of the World on the Peace Deal

Following the historic peace deal signed in Pretoria, South Africa, leaders around the world, and friends of Ethiopia across the globe expressed their happiness over the productive conclusion of the AU-led peace talk and have congratulated Ethiopia and those actors who facilitated and engaged in the negotiation.

In addition to the congratulatory messages, countries and other international actors have affirmed their commitment to support the implementation of the peace agreement and bring lasting peace in the country.

Following the agreement, President Ismail Omar Guelleh of Djibouti, tweeted: “I welcome the successful conclusion in Pretoria of the cessation of hostilities agreement under the auspices of the AU.

“Congratulations to the combined efforts of all in forming the wish to see this agreement bring security, peace and prosperity to our region and to our Ethiopian brothers.”

Similarly, Turkey’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs posted: “We welcome the agreement reached between the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front on the cessation of the hostilities in northern Ethiopia at the peace talks hosted by the Republic of South Africa, and we hope it to be a lasting one.”

It added, “we reiterate our readiness to give all kinds of support to friendly and brotherly Ethiopia for the establishment of peace and tranquility in Ethiopia.”

The other friendly country that praised the peace deal and reaffirmed its commitment is Russia.  The Embassy here in Addis Ababa stated that “the Embassy welcomes the agreements reached by the Federal Government of Ethiopia and the TPLF on November 2, 2022 to cease hostilities in Northern Ethiopia.

“We hope that the signed Peace Agreement will serve as a solid foundation for completing the process of national reconciliation, reconstruction of the affected regions and securing stability for the sake of prosperity of all Ethiopian people.”

China’s Ambassador to Ethiopia, Zhao Zhiyuan praised the African Union for its crucial role for making the peace in South Africa. “We welcome and appreciate the peace agreement reached by the relevant parties under the auspices of the African Union.”

The African Union Commission Chairperson, Mussa Faki Mahamat who has been active in facilitating the peace talk wrote, “I warmly commend the Parties for signing cessations of hostilities agreement following talks facilitated by the AU Panel.”

African Union is committed to continue supporting the Parties to find lasting peace and reconciliation for all, he added.

Among others, the U.S State Department also commended the peace agreement as a good step to ensure lasting peace in Ethiopia. “We welcome the momentous step taken in Pretoria today to advance the African Union’s campaign to ‘silence the guns’ with the signing of a cessation of hostilities between the Government of Ethiopia and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front.

“We commend the parties for taking this initial step to agree to end the fighting and continue dialogue to resolve outstanding issues to consolidate peace and bring an end to almost two years of conflict,” the statement read.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres also appreciated the agreement for lasting peace through a permanent cessation of hostilities brokered by the African Union and mediated by the former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo as a promising start.

The Secretary-General urged all Ethiopians and the international community to support the bold step taken on Wednesday by the Federal Government of Ethiopia and the TPLF.

The 10 days long AU-led Ethiopia’s peace talks concluded on Wednesday when both sides signed an agreement to safeguard the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ethiopia and  uphold the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, implement transitional measures, expedite humanitarian aid, and resume public services, among others.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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