Launch Of Ethiopia-Somalia Cross-Border Collaboration; Governance Structures And Development Of Harmonized Surveillance And Vaccination Program
To operationalize the MoU, IGAD/ICPALD organized a two days meeting to launch the governance structure and develop a harmonized disease surveillance and vaccination calendar for 2022 between the two countries which took place in Djibouti, in the Republic of Djibouti from 9-10th December, 2021. The meeting was attended by 34 technical officers from Ministries in charge of animal resources, VSF-S, IGAD and AU-IBAR was officially opened by Dr. Fikru Regassa, State Minister of Livestock, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. The following recommendations were made:
- Each country should Integrate Cross-border animal health issues into national programs to facilitate implementation of areas of signed bilateral MOU and implementation framework.
- Each country should continue with awareness creation about the signed MOU and implementation framework to various stakeholders (Policy makers, development partners, communities, traders) for buy-in about the values of coordinated cooperation and collaboration for control of transboundary animal diseases (Trade sensitive diseases) such as; PPR, FMD, LSD, CCPP, Unknown Camel Disease(UCD), CBPP etc. across the common border.
- The two countries with support of IGAD should strengthen implementation of the harmonized disease surveillance and vaccination calendar for 2022 against the common TADs across their border.
- The two countries with support of IGAD and development partners (FAO, VSF, DRC, AU-IBAR, etc.) should develop a protocol to promote information sharing against the common TADs in areas of surveillance, control of animal movement for trade, in search of pasture and water etc.
- The two countries in collaboration with IGAD should strengthen resource mobilization efforts from donors and development partners by developing bankable individual/joint proposals/ concept notes.
- IGAD should facilitate development of Tri-lateral MOU between Ethiopia-Kenya-Somalia on Cross-border cooperation on animal health and sanitary measures.
- The two countries with support from IGAD should promote shared use of Cross-border livestock infrastructure (Laboratories, Quarantine facilities, Livestock markets, slaughter houses) and natural resources (water and pasture)
- The two countries with support of IGAD and development partners should strengthen peace building mechanisms to mitigate frequent conflict associated with shared use of natural resources
Source: Intergovernmental Authority on Development