JICA supports Capacity Development for Urban Planning and Management in Ethiopia

Contributory to cope with the crucial issue of rapid growth of Ethiopian secondary cities, JICA has started the Project for Capacity Development for Urban Planning and Development (CDUPM) since March 2021. In the Project, JICA is working with the Ministry of Urban and Infrastructure (MoUI) to provide Training of Trainers (ToT) for MoUI staff and Regional Urban Planning Institutes staff, and pilot trainings for selected secondary city municipalities.

JICA CDUPM team visited Ethiopia for the first time in May 2022 to discuss the training program with MoUI. In the meantime, the team has conducted online research with the Ethiopian local consultants to identify major urban issues in the pilot secondary cities — Illegal settlement, violation of urban plans, poor solid waste management, encroachment of fragile ecosystem, poor land management system, etc. – all of which are necessary to be tackled through technical support to the experts from ministerial to municipal levels.

The 2nd trip of the team is currently underway from July, and Training of Trainers for MoUI and regional governments will be conducted this year.

Source: JICA Ethiopia

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