It is Now Time to Invest in Ethiopia

Over the week, the third UK-Ethiopia Trade and Investment Forum was held in London, United Kingdom. The forum which was co-organized by the Ethiopian Embassy in London, WAFA Marketing and promotion and Digital Marketing Association (DMA), the third UK-Ethiopia Trade aimed at promoting the lucrative investment opportunities in Ethiopia and serving as a venue for UK investors to take business decisions.

The event has brought together more than one hundred investors and served as an important platform for Business-to-business (B2B) and Government-to-Business (G2B) sessions.

The third UK-Ethiopia Trade and Investment Forum coincided with the signing of Cessation of Hostilities Agreement (CoHA), during which Minister of Trade and regional integration, Gebremeskel Challa underscored that the new peace accord will open a new down for Ethiopians and lay a foundation for trade and investment.

Ethiopia has embarked on Home-grown Economic Reform which addresses three pillars including macroeconomic, structural, and sectoral reforms of the economy. stabilizing financial systems, strengthening public financial sectors, focusing on key and potential sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and mining is very important to ensure viable economic growth.

The reform will ensure that productivity of small-holder farmers is enhanced through provision of modern inputs and prioritizing strong small scale of manufacturing sectors such as agro-processing and leather products. Overall, the country’s Home-grown Economic Reform aims at creating more jobs, ensuring inclusive growth, and reducing poverty, for discussion and gathering vital inputs to further enrich it.

Apart from the Telecom industry, Ethiopia has opened up its financial sector to foreign investors. Indeed, it is now time to invest in Ethiopia.


Source: Ethiopian Embassy UK

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