Irreechaa Festival Participant Youth Hope New Gov’t Will Reduce Unemployment

Young people who came to Addis Ababa to celebrate Irreechaa festival have expressed their hope that the new government would alleviate unemployment.


The youth told ENA that the government needs to create jobs in all areas, taking into account the contribution of young people to nation building.


Tsehay Megersa said what is expected from the government is to create jobs that will benefit many and maintain peace and security.


Birtukan Ketema stated on her part that job opportunity in Ethiopia is low when compared to the number of young people in the country.


“Unemployment can be a political problem and lead to crisis,” she  noted, adding that the government must therefore work with the community to encourage the creation of jobs and ensure equitable equality.”


The new government in place must understand the feelings of the youth and help them bring change in various spheres.


Derartu Jimma pointed out that young people have many problems, but these cannot be solved by the government alone. The youths themselves need to be entrepreneurs.


“We need the government to meet the interests of the people in general and the youths in particular,” she said, adding that the youth should not also underestimate the work they do.


The Irreechaa Festival was colorfully celebrated in Addis Ababa today where locals dressed in traditional costumes danced and sang together with relatives.


A big part of the celebration involves going to the lakes around Oromia region and placing  grasses and flowers in the water to give thanks to Waaqa (the local name for God) for good fortune and prosperity over the coming year.


However, the biggest single celebration takes place tomorrow in Bishoftu town about 44km outside of Addis Ababa.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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