Iranian Ambassador Says Victory of Adwa Inspired Several African Countries to Fight Colonialism

The Victory of Adwa registered 127 years ago has inspired several African countries to free themselves from the shackles of colonialism, Iran Ambassador to Ethiopia Lakizadeh said.

Ambassador Samad Ali Lakizadeh added that the Victory of Adwa brought a beckon of light to African people who lamented in the quagmire of colonialism.

Like Ethiopia, Iran too has successfully resisted colonialism, he stated. “We in Iran (therefore) share the feeling of independence like Ethiopia.”

According to the ambassador, the two historically similar countries should join hands in multilateral cooperation to protect their interests.

Ethiopia and Iran have many roles to play by capitalizing on their past experience of fighting colonialism, he stressed.

“We should work together on multilateral platforms to forge ahead on various platforms, including the Group of 77, Non-Aligned Movement and, of course, the South-South cooperation.”

All these are common groups that we share on both sides and are compatible with our political stances such as fighting unilateralism, Ambassador Lakizadeh elaborated.

He pointed out that the two countries “need to get closer to each other and use each other’s experiences and knowledge to boost South-South cooperation, which, according to him, leads to an independent voice in the world.

Iran and Ethiopia belong to the same eastern or South-South cultural family, the ambassador added.

Hence, with a political will, there are many fields of cooperation that Iran and Ethiopia can cooperate with, including scientific and cultural fields.

Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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