Integrated Haramaya Lake Watershed Development Project Office Conducts Training on Climate Smart Agriculture Technology

Haramaya University’s Integrated Haramaya Lake Watershed Development Project (IHLWDP) Office conducted training on Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) technologies (vermicomposting and drip irrigation technology) for model farmers and development agents on January 20 and 21, 2022 at the University’s Resource Center.

According to Ato Dine Reshid, Technical Coordinator of Integrated Haramaya Lake Watershed Development Project, Haramaya University Community Engagement and Enterprise Development Vice President (CEEDVP) Office has been working closely with the community in various sectors such as agriculture, education, health, environment, entrepreneurship and so many other community development works.

Ato Dine added that IHLWDP Office is one of those offices under HU’s CEEDVP Office with the objective of rehabilitating the degraded Haramaya Lake Watershed. Beside soil and water conservation works on the hilly upper stream areas of the watershed, the Project has been engaged in the dissemination of different Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) technologies and practices to help farmers dwelling in the watershed increase their productivity, enhance resilience to climate change impact and achieve food security, he added.

At the two days’ training 44 (forty four) model farmers and 10 (ten) development agents (a total of 54 trainees) took part from 10 surrounding rural kebeles.

The training was given with the intention of building farmers’ capacity in soil fertility management and irrigation water saving technologies and applying on their farm field to enhance their farm land productivity, improve their livelihood and maintain healthy environment, it was indicated.

It was announced that supervision and follow up will be made with the required frequency in collaboration with the concerned stakeholders to bring observable changes on the ground.

Farmers and development experts who participated in the two days’ training said that the training is very important for those dwelling in the watershed to increase their productivity, enhance resilience to climate change impact and will significantly help them in solving their problems and achieve food security.

One of the trainees, Haramaya Woreda Agricultural Development Agent, Ato Aliye Yusuf, appreciated the effort that the University is undertaking to solve problems of the community and said he has received a new knowledge based on Climate Smart Agriculture technologies spatially on vermicomposting and drip irrigation technology.

Ato Aliye added that the training provided to the farmers is very encouraging and will help them to enhance their farm land productivity, improve their livelihood and maintain healthy environment.

Among the model trainees, Ato Abdela Ame from Tinike, Remedan Musa fromTuji Gebissa and W/ro Ayini Mohammed from Kerensa Derba rural Kebeles said Haramaya University is working to benefit them by giving such Kind of training on appropriate time and they thanked the University and its Management.


Source: HARAMAYA University

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