Inclusive Cabinet Brings New Hope for Ethiopia: Religious Fathers

The inclusion of members of competing political parties in the cabinet formed this week by the new government bodes well for Ethiopia as leaders of the competing political parties will be able to contribute their share to the overall development of the country, clerics noted.

Inter-Religious Council of Ethiopia General-Secretary, Reverend Tagay Tadele told ENA that the inclusion of competing political parties in government is new to the country and would bring bright hope for Ethiopia.

The appointment of members of competing political parties in various positions at federal and regional levels encourages political parties to work in cooperation with the ruling party for the development of the nation, he noted.

The new approach would promote democratic culture in the country, Reverend Tagay said, adding that it also confirms the fulfillment of the promise made by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.

He further pointed out that the ruling party which won the election laid a new foundation for collaboration in the best interest of the country by leaving aside political and ideological differences.

The ruling party should first be appreciated for its willingness to share power willingly and the competing political parties for accepting the call of the government to work together for the common good of the people and the country, the reverend elaborated.

According to Reverend Tagay, the collaboration of political parties will promote internal unity and lift Ethiopia to a higher level. Intervention of foreign powers in the internal affairs of the country will also be thwarted.

The well-known Ethiopian Islamic cleric, Ustaz Abubeker Ahmed said on his part the inclusive cabinet gives opportunity for competing political parties to serve their country.

It enables the parties to contribute their share to democracy building, development, peace and stability as well as unity and integrity of Ethiopia, he added.

Ustaz Abubeker pointed out that it further opens a new chapter in the political culture of Ethiopia since it brings together ruling and competing political parties together to work for the common goal of nation building under one cabinet and government structure.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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