Implementation of Japanese GGP Dev’t Assistance in Ethiopia Successful: Ambassador

Japanese Ambassador to Ethiopia Ito Takako said the Japanese Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP) that implemented more than 400 projects across Ethiopia in the past decades was successful and significant in the country’s development across selected sectors.

The government of Japan through its embassy in Ethiopia and under the GGP has been mainly assisting the education, health and technology sectors by directly reaching to the communities at the grassroots level in partnership with non-governmental and governmental offices during implementation.

The ambassador told ENA that the more than 400 projects executed under GGP in the past few decades were successful in implementation and beneficiary to the communities at the grassroots.

“This GGP was started in 1989, and we already implemented over 400 projects across Ethiopia. This is to support directly to the NGOs or the ministerial governments in order to benefit the grassroots people,” the ambassador stated.

The projects were implemented in partnership with local actors to directly reach and benefit the communities across the country.

Ito pointed out that education and social well fare are the main beneficiary areas.

The Ambassador said the Japanese Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects will continue in Ethiopia focusing on social development at grassroots level.

“We are happy to support, especially for the education of the children. And that is the direct way of supporting the people in Ethiopia.”

The embassy’s direct relation with the recipient non-governmental organizations and government offices has made the implementations of the projects successful.

“I think it has been very productive because we were working directly with the recipient organizations or municipalities and immediately after it’s completed they can start having the beneficiaries to use the facility,” she said.

“I went to see some of the opening ceremonies in Guragie (Zone) before and we are having another one coming in Addis Ababa and we are happy to see the people smiling and enjoying while using those facilities,” she observed.

The long-term project that is mainly assisting the education sector and social well fares of the country is further deepening the friendship of Japanese and Ethiopian people.

Japan has been actively providing assistance in the form of grant aid to Ethiopia to help its socio-economic developments with self-help efforts to increase human security in areas of education, health and food.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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