
The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) is one of the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) consisting of eight member states, namely, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda. IGAD, as one of the pillars of the African Union (AU) is committed to enhancing regional integration using education in general and scholarships in particular to facilitate people-to-people interactions. This information sheet is intended to provide brief guidelines on the scholarship opportunities launched by IGAD in 2021.

Background and Context

In December 2017, IGAD ministers in charge of education adopted the Djibouti Declaration on education for refugees, returnees, and host communities. The second ministerial conference held in December 2018 also issued the Addis Ababa Call for Action and adopted key policy and strategic documents to guide the work of IGAD in promoting education in the region.

According to all relevant documents, emphasis was placed on inclusive access to education at every level as well as integrating refugees and displacement affected communities into national education systems. The provision of scholarships is considered one of the most effective interventions for enhancing inclusive and equitable education. In this regard, IGAD deems it necessary to provide scholarship opportunities to citizens in the region, particularly refugees, returnees and host communities.


The IGAD scholarship programme is purposefully designed to provide scholarships, prizes, stipends and awards to secondary/high school and tertiary institutions students enrolled in institutions in IGAD as well as professionals working in research and training institutions pursuing postgraduate training. The goal is to encourage and reward academic excellence especially among financially, socially and economically students from disadvantaged backgrounds, and/or underrepresented groups or geographical areas within the IGAD region.


Only students and professionals from the IGAD region namely Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda, are eligible for the scholarships.

  1. Age limit– for undergraduate studies, preference will be given to the applicants under 20 years of age;
  2. Gender and physical disabilities– particular consideration is given to applications from female candidates and persons with disabilities;
  3. Proof of need: IGAD may require proof of need from each applicant. Confirmation of need shall be independently obtained from the school/institution, mosque or church, nearest local administration authorities, or refugee agencies;
  4. All applicantsshould be citizens of IGAD member states, including those in refugee /displacement situations;
  5. Special focusshall be given to disciplines or skills that are highly needed in the region; 6. At postgraduate level research projects should address the key priorities of the region;

Required Credentials

Students applying to the IGAD Scholarship should

  • Hold a valid Travel documents issued by competent authorities
  • Authenticated Certificate of National School Leaving Exams
  • Evidence of financial need (a letter from parents, community/faith leaders, refugee agencies, etc);
  • Letter of intent about desired fields of study
  • Brief CV or Resume

Deadline and submission modalities

  • Applicants should submit their completed online application on or before 16th January 2022
  • Off-line applications can be deposited with UNHCR Country Offices in respective countries
  • IGAD Heads of Mission in respective countries shall coordinate with UNHCR country offices.


Kebede Kassa Tsegaye, PhD

Email: kebede.tsegaye@igad.int


Source: Intergovernmental Authority on Development

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