IGAD Concluded Training for Member States Labour Attachés in Gulf Countries

November 25, 2022,( ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia): The Intergovernmental Authority on Development(IGAD) in collaboration with the International Labour Organization(ILO ) concluded a five- day training workshop on Improving Capacities of Labour Attachés on Labour Migration Governance in Gulf Cooperation Countries (GCC) and provided recommendations to Member States, IGAD, ILO and Social partners, today in Addis Ababa.

One of the key outcomes of the workshop is the initiation of a strong IGAD Network of Labour Attaches in the Middle East that will contribute to the intended IGAD-GCC Interregional Dialogue to discuss solutions to migrant workers from the IGAD region.

In her closing remarks, Maureen Achieng, IGAD Permanent Representative to the African Union, disclosed that the training course had laid good foundation for further work on the interregional cooperation and dialogue between IGAD region and GCC.

“Listening to your discussions and deliberations as well as recommendations for good labour migration governance in the context of the GCC, the IGAD Secretariat reiterates its commitment to continue working with ILO to ensure compliance to International Labour Standards (ILS) “, she added.

In his closing remarks, Mr Amha Hailegebrel, Director for Western Middle East, Minstructed of ForeignAffairsof Ethiopia, vowed that his country is ready to use the networking opportunities that will be created by IGAD and ILO to exchange the necessary information.

IGAD Chair, Ambassador Abdul hafiz Elawad ,representative of Government of Republic of the Sudan said that the training for labour Attaches took participants to consolidate a common position to address the issue of labour migrants.

Mr. Alexio Musindo, Director of the ILO Country Office for the Federal Republic of Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, South Sudan and the Sudan explained that informing and shaping the regional and national employment and labour migration policies to improve our normative framework on labour migration was key.

“As ILO, we commit to continuous capacity building of labour Attaches and Consular Officers to improve your knowledge and skills on labour migration”, he stressed.

Mr Moses Ombokh, representative of Confederation of IGAD Employers mentioned that the training of labour attachés did address the plight of labour migrants.

“We as trade unions welcome the working together with member states of IGAD to improve the state of migrant workers. We call for participation in the formation of regional policies”, Mrs Carolyn Ruto, Assistant Secretary General COTU, Kenya member of HACTU said.

Source: Intergovernmental Authority on Development

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