Horn of Africa Advocacy brief: On the edge: the critical need for effective and accountable humanitarian WASH coordination to save lives in the region


Across the Horn of Africa, at least 36.1 million people will be affected by severe drought in October 2022, including 24.1 million in Ethiopia, 7.8 million in Somalia and 4.2 million in Kenya. This represents a two-fold increase from July 2022 and now more than 16.2 million people cannot access enough water of adequate quality for drinking, cooking and cleaning across the Horn of Africa, including 8.2 million in Ethiopia, 3.9 million in Somalia and 4.1 million in Kenya, according to UNICEF.

Many water points have dried up or diminished in quality, heightening the risk of water-borne diseases and increasing the risk of skin and eye infections as families are forced to ration their water use and prioritize drinking and cooking over hygiene. Water deficits have been exacerbated by very high temperatures, which are forecast to continue in October 2022. Women and girls are having to walk longer distances to access water—in many instances up to double or triple the distances they would walk during a regular dry season—exacerbating their potential exposure to gender-based violence and dehydration. Water shortages are also impacting infection prevention and control in health facilities and schools.The impact of the drought is already having global implications as food and fuel prices spike across the world and international attention focuses on the situation in Ukraine.

With the October to December 2022 rains projected to fail, food insecurity will rise in the months ahead, and between 23 and 26 million people will likely face acute food insecurity due to the Horn of Africa drought by February 20231 . Immediate access to life-saving services such as safe water, sanitation and hygiene, is critical to prevent widespread malnutrition, starvation, illness and death.

Together, we must urgently act to meet the needs of those in crisis and work jointly and actively to avert the global hunger crisis, save lives, and build resilience.


Source: UN Children’s Fund

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