Haramaya University to improve the quality of education by improving the leadership

“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” – John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States

Cognizant of this, Haramaya University Academic Assessment and Quality Assurance Directorate conducted Training given to the Higher and Middle-Level Educational Leaders on June 01, 2022 under the theme “The Role of leadership in Improving the Quality of Education: An Advanced Level Training Organized for Educational Leaders (A Capacity building Training).”

Dr. Garkebo Basha, Haramaya University academic assessment and quality assurance directorate director, said that the training, as a capacity building package, will enable educational leaders to grasp crucial leadership skills of planning, leading, and monitoring and evaluating the daily educational practices, which in turn directs towards the improvement of quality of education in general and teaching and learning at HrU in particular.

During the opening of the training, Professor Mengistu Urge, Vice President for Academic Affairs, expressed his appreciation for the Directorate and said Education can be defined as a process in which the knowledge, which is vital for shaping human behavior, promoting economic growth, development and prosperity, maintaining life, social uplift and political stability, is gained. Following this, capacity development or capacity building through quality education has been part of development paradigm for decades, according to Professor Mengistu.

Indicating the role of academic leaders in such knowledge production, Professor Mengistu noted that effective academic leaders use their expertise and management skills in order to exert their efforts, and make their teaching staff exert their own effort on improving the quality of student learning outcomes. Therefore, training the academic leaders has special meanings for quality education, pointed Professor Mengistu.

In his closing remarks, Professor, Jeylan Wolyie, Vice president for administration and students’ affairs, said “The main goal of this training is to raise our awareness and reignite our thinking about the meanings and essence of leadership and to motivate us to assess the relationship and enhanced educational quality.”

Prof. Jeylan added that the training has also offered them insights regarding the fact that education and educational change is a dynamic and evolving process that calls educational leaders to build their adaptive capacity not only during change times, but also under normal circumstances.

During the training, many relevant questions were raised by the participants and discussion sessions were held.

At the end of the training, Dr. Yisak Yusuf, Vice President for Community Engagement & Enterprise Development, and Delegate of Haramaya University president handed over the certificate for the trainees.

Source: HARAMAYA University

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