Haramaya University Donates Eye Glasses

Haramaya University announced that it has donated 100,000 eye glasses that worth three hundred million birr to the hospitals of East & West Hararghe zones, Harari Regional State, Dire Dawa City Administration and Somali Regional State.

Haramaya University’s Vice President of Community Service and Enterprise Development, Dr. Yisak Yusuf, explained that the University is fulfilling its responsibility by focusing on community work to solve the problems of the local community and is working with various international partner organizations, especially Christian Relief Services, an American non-governmental organization, to provide support.

The University understands that eye health is a health problem of the society, which is causing a great impact, and to this end, Dr Yishak indicated, a task force has been set up and a proposal is developed to deal with the problem.

The latest support came from Christian Relief Services in the United States and the institution is distributing the items free of charge to the users, it was noted.

The Vice President mentioned that the eye glasses are distributed through Haramaya University’s Higher Health Center to the residents of Bate in the University area, the university community and staff who have been examined.

The eye glasses are also being distributed free of charge to the community through Haramaya University Hiwot Fana General Specialized Hospital, Jugel Hospital, Bisidmo Hospital, Dire Dawa Dilchora and Sabian hospitals.

It was disclosed that more than 43,200 eye glasses have been distributed so far and the rest will be distributed free of charge in the coming days.

Haramaya University College of Health and Medical Sciences and Hiwot Fana Comprehensive Specialized Hospital Chief Administrative and Development Director, Fila Ahmed, said that they have donated 15,000 eye glasses to the Harari Regional Health Office.

During the handing over ceremony, Yasin Abdullahi, head of Harari Regional State Health Bureau, said that Haramaya University provided the Bureau with eyeglass support for eye examinations in different seasons in the Region.

Ato Yasin expressed his gratitude to Haramaya University on behalf of the Harari Regional State Health Bureau for the support.

He explained that out of the 15,000 spectacles given to Harari Region, 10,000 eye glasses were given to Harar Jugel Hospital and the remaining 5,000 eye glasses will be given to students and members of the public who have been diagnosed with eye problems in other health facilities in the Region.


Source: HARAMAYA University

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