H.E. Dr. Muktar Kedir, Ambassador-Designate of Ethiopia to Australia paid a courtesy visit on His Excellency Mr Miguel Julian Palomino de la Gala, Dean of Diplomatic Corps in Australia

On the 2nd of June 2021, H.E. Dr. Muktar Kedir, Ambassador-Designate of Ethiopia to Australia paid a courtesy visit on His Excellency Mr Miguel Julian Palomino de la Gala, Dean of Diplomatic Corps in Australia, Ambassador of the Republic of Peru to Australia.

On behalf of the diplomatic corps, Ambassador Palomino de la Gala warmly welcomed the Ambassador Designate to the Diplomatic community in Canberra. In response, His Excellency Dr. Muktar expressed his pleasure for the warm reception.

During the courtesy visit, both sides exchanged views regarding current developments in their respective countries and cooperation among diplomatic missions. Accordingly, H.E Dr Muktar briefed the Dean about the upcoming General Election in Ethiopia, rehabilitation and relief efforts in Tigray Region, and the progress about the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.

The Ambassadors also agreed to work together on issues of mutual concern.


Source: The Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

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