H.E Ambassador Hirut Zemene meets with representatives of Wallonia Export and Foreign Investment Agency and Flanders Investment & Trade

H.E. Ambassador Hirut Zemene welcomed Mr. Eric DE CLERCQ, Director of Africa & Middle East Department at AWEX (Wallonia Export and Foreign Investment Agency) and Ms. Lise BETJES, Area Manager for Africa at FIT (Flanders Investment & Trade) at the Embassy on the 27th of June 2022, and thanked them for their unreserved efforts in promoting the business and investment links between the two friendly countries.

During the meeting, the Ambassador expressed her views on how to further strengthen investment and trade links between the two countries, particularly in the Wallonia and Flanders Regions of Belgium.

The two sides exchanged views to promote sectors, such as manufacturing, agro-processing, logistic, renewable energy and tourism, among many others.

In light of this, the Ambassador emphasized the importance of co-organizing promotional events in investment, business and tourism areas, and organizing a business mission.

Mr. De Clercq and Ms. Betjes expressed their readiness to jointly promote mutual interests of both sides. The two parties had a warm and constructive discussion over beautiful Ethiopian coffee ceremony.

Source: Embassy of Ethiopia in Brussels

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