Gov’t Releases Some Prisoners to Pave Way for Peaceful Settlement of Problems

The Government of Ethiopia announced today that it has released some prisoners by granting them amnesty in order to create a better political environment for the successful conduct of an inclusive national dialogue, according to Government Communication Service (GCS).

As amnesty is one of the moral responsibilities expected from the democratically elected government to successfully undertake the national dialogue, the government has pardoned some prisoners, it added.

The amnesty included those detained for committing offenses earlier and the ones arrested in connection with  the recent war, the statement said.

The government reached the decision with the objective of resolving the problems of Ethiopia peacefully and sustainably by avoiding destruction and vindictiveness through national dialogue.

The Government Communication Service pointed out that the government is working to address the age old political challenges of the country through inclusive national dialogue by establishing an independent National Dialogue Commission.

It further stressed that the government will do whatever it costs to protect the national unity of the country.

Once again, the government has therefore released the following prisoners for the sake of maintaining multinational unity and peace.

  1. Sebhat Nega
  2. Kidusan Nega

3 Abay Woldu

  1. Abadi Zemu
  2. Mulu  Gebre Egziabher

6  Kiros Hagos

  1. Juhar Mohammed and others accused in same file
  2. Eskinder Nega and others accused in same file


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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