Gov’t Establishes National Committee To Coordinate Anti-Corruption Campaign

The government of Ethiopia has established a national committee to coordinate its anti-corruption campaign, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said.

The premier noted in a statement issued regarding the establishment of the committee that corruption has currently become a threat to the security of the country.

The newly established committee will bring the culprits of corruption before court of law by distinguishing the actors in addition to those who had already been identified through study.

He stated that “Our people have been suffering from corruption in service delivery, land-related practices, financial sector, sales and procurement processes, and in the justice system.  Citizens have also been facing corruption in various government institutions, development organizations, and public institutions.”

As per the discussion held with the public, corruption was identified as one of the security threats of the country that hinders the nation’s path to prosperity, he added.

He also mentioned about the efforts being carried out by the government to prevent the act of corruption by scrutinizing government structures and putting in place new systems supported by technologies.

Efforts have also been made to prosecute government officials and other actors who are engaged in crimes of corruption, the premier stated.

However, the study report revealed that people, who thought the war and COVID-19 that the country encountered has taken the attention of the government, have been engaged in activities to destroy Ethiopia by creating network.

Hence, the findings of the study and the evaluation of public discussions indicate the need for the government to undertake a strong and decisive operation on acts of corruption just like it did on the security matters.

On the one hand, the government will work to eliminate laws, regulations, guidelines, and procedures that are vulnerable to corruption, he said, adding it will also intensify its efforts to expose corrupt actors and bring them to justice.

Furthermore, Abiy indicated that the government is conducting an investigation on government officials,  employees of government institutions, bribe givers and bribe takers.

However, corruption is carried out in a sophisticated way, using technologies, and sometimes under the cover of law, he said. Therefore, the government has established a national committee to coordinate its anti-corruption campaign.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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