Gov’t Dispatches Crime Investigation Teams to Liberated Areas in Amhara, Afar Regions

Criminal investigation teams have been dispatched to liberated areas of Amhara and Afar regions to assess human and property damages, according to Government Communication Service (GCS).


Government Communication Service State Minister Selamawit Kassa told the media today that the teams will come up with their findings of the atrocities perpetrated by the terrorist TPLF and the destructions on public and private properties.


The invading group has brought about untold atrocities and massive property destructions in the occupied areas of Amhara and Afar regions, she added.


Following the defeat of the terrorist group, the Government of Ethiopia has dispatched crime investigation teams to assess the human and material damages in the areas.


“The crime investigation teams led by Ministry of Justice would identify the nature of the crimes committed by the terrorist TPLF in the formerly occupied areas and compile the details of the crimes,” according to the state minster.


Selamawit noted that the terrorist group had killed innocent people, raped, looted property, destroyed government documents and committed horrific crimes. The crime investigation teams would find out the truth.


The government is committed to bringing those responsible for human rights abuses and property damage  to justice, she stressed.


“This investigation will be carried out in such a way as to meet international criteria set for human rights violations, and individuals and groups responsible for the heinous crimes will be brought to justice.”


Speaking about the destruction of the health sector and crises created by terrorist TPLF, the state minister said efforts are being carried out to reinstate the services that millions of people use.


She said efforts are underway to complete the rehabilitation of health facilities, adding that more than 35 hospitals, 418 health centers and 1,700 health stations have been destroyed by the terrorist group.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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