Germany Pledges Support to Safety Net Program, Conflict Recovery in Ethiopia

Germany has extended support to productive social safety nets and conflict recovery, according to Ministry of Finance.

Minister of Finance Ahmed Shide has met with a German delegation led by Birigt Pickel, Director-General for Africa of Germany’s Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, a press release of the ministry stated.

The two sides had a productive discussion on the recent peace accord and the development partnership between the two countries, it was learned.

The director-general has welcomed the agreement and expressed her hope that it opened a path towards durable peace.

Finance Minister Ahmed Shide on his part emphasized the government’s full commitment to swiftly deliver implementation of the peace agreement and demonstrate tangible results on the ground.

According to the statement, Germany committed to increase its support to Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme for 30 million Euros and contribute an additional 15 million Euros to the World Bank’s Response, Recovery, and Resilience for conflict-affected Communities Programme to support the Government of Ethiopia.

Both programmes will be implemented together with the World Bank and other partners.

The measures will be accompanied by technical cooperation to increase institutional capacity for local development, livelihood opportunities, and human rights for a total of 8 million Euros.

Germany also announced its support for transitional aid measures provided through WFP and UNICEF for 30 and 35 million Euros, respectively, as part of Germany’s response to the drought crisis and food price inflation in Ethiopia, it was indicated

The programmes aim at improving life standards and coping capacities of drought-affected communities by building, restoring, improving, and sustaining resilient systems and lifesaving services.

Both sides have also discussed the participation of the international community in possible future post-conflict and reconstruction efforts.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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