Forum Discusses Challenges, Opportunities to attract FDI

The Institute of Foreign Affairs and Wollo University co-organized a policy consultation forum that aimed to encourage Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and address investor concerns.

Attending the forum, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen stated that how we treat present investors would play a significant role in attracting others.

He emphasized that all levels of government in the country should give attention to the concerns of foreign investors.

Demeke stated that all Ethiopian missions abroad will engage in intensive promotional activities to attract foreign direct investment and that a particular plan is prepared to accomplish this.

State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Misganu Arga remarked that now that Ethiopia is rising from national and international challenges it has encountered, all stakeholders should use this opportunity to promote the country’s investment.

President of the Amhara Region, Yelkal Kefale, Minister of Innovation and Technology, Belete Mola, members of Parliament, state ministers, and ambassadors also attended the forum and paid a visit to Kombolcha Industrial Park, according to Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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