Former Parliament Speaker call for the public to stand side by side with the Army

Former Parliament Speaker of Somalia, Hon. Mohamed Osman Jawari called for the public to stand side by side with the Somali National Army and local forces fighting Al-Shabaab militants in several fronts in the country.

Jawari said that there were foreign and internal enemies,but the worst is the internal one, expressed sadness over the two sides fighting being Somalis, urging people to be united to the fight against terrorists.

The Speaker commended President Hassan’s committing to fighting Al-Shabaab and warned people against politicising the offensive war on the terrorist miltiant group of Al-Shabaab.

“The war on the terrorists cannot politicised, never, never, but it is a common responsibility to face them”, Jawari said during press conference in Mogadishu.

Source: Somali News Agency

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