Foreign Tourists in Addis Recommend People to Visit Distinct Meskel Celebration in Ethiopia

Some foreign tourists in Addis Ababa recommended people to visit the unique celebration of the Meskel festival in Ethiopia.

The tourists, approached by the Ethiopian News Agency during the celebration of Demera, an annual bonfire lighting ceremony held at Meskel Square in the capital with a series of religious and cultural events on Monday, expressed their profound admiration over the beautiful ceremony and huge gathering of the festival.

Author Christine Chaillot from Switzerland said that the long tradition of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church must be promoted across the globe.

“I love very much and I have great admiration for the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. It has a long Christian tradition which must be better known by other Christians. I am also very happy to be here for the Meskel festival.”

Stating that tourists may see the Meskel celebration in Ethiopia from different perspectives depending on their culture, religion and country, the author said.

“for me as a Christian Orthodox, it is the deep meaning of the festival which is important-the resurrection after the death,” she stated, pointing out that “but for tourists it is more folklore event. So it depends and it is different for everyone according to their culture, religion and country.”

Sam Kelo from South Africa visited Ethiopia for the first time and impressed by the coming together of Ethiopians from different tribes to celebrate this unique Meskel festival.

“We are very like secluded in tribes where we have these celebrations but in smaller tribes,” he pointed out referring to such gatherings in his country, further stating that it is vital for Africans to visit each other freely to understand each other and share experiences.

“It is just a matter of like cutting down the border so everyone can move at whatever time and place they want. So we can understand each other’s cultures.”

Kenyan Jonathan Kiilu is also visiting Ethiopia for the first time and impressed by the huge gathering and praised the security during this Meskel festival.

“I am feeling the environment is very good, especially the gathering. It is ok for me, it is good,” he said.

“I would like to advise my fellow Africans. Let us have the culture of visiting each other,” he said, reminding that “this is the first time for me to be in Ethiopia, security wise, it is very good.”

In the capital Addis Ababa, the major celebration takes place at Meskel Square, a wide open space named in honor of the festival at the heart of the city with a series of impressive religious and cultural events.

Meskel festival, is among the over a dozen UNESCO inscribed intangible and tangible heritages, nationally celebrated every year by Christians and draws large numbers of domestic and foreign visitors.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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