Foreign Medical Service Mechanism Launched for Africans, Ethiopians with Local Currencies in Dubai

Alternative foreign medical service mechanism has been announced in Dubai for Africans, including Ethiopia by using their respective local currencies.

Arab Health Exhibition, that attracted more than 5000 exhibitors and millions of visitors, was held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE).

The event was organized by Dubai Health City Authority in collaboration with Health Life and the Ethiopian Airlines under the theme “Tourism in Africa.”

All giant healthcare service provider companies that operate across the globe have participated in the Arab Health Exhibition.

Ambassador Aklilu Kebede, Ethiopian Consulate General in Dubai, UAE, said participating in such global event has huge contribution for the advancement of the health sector.

Health Life, a health tourism company in Dubai, provides healthcare services to Africans including Ethiopia using their respective local currencies, ambassador Aklilu stated. .

The service providers also facilitate conducive situations to patients using their local languages, he added.

The alternative health service mechanism is believed to provide crucial contribution in saving huge amount of expenses in foreign currency to receive medical services in foreign countries.

Considering Dubai’s proximity to Africa and the existing shortages foreign currency in the continent, the health services provided by Health Life has paramount importance to the people in the continent, ambassador Aklilu added.

He also indicated that many patients have been unable to receive medical services in foreign countries due to lack of foreign currency.

During the event, ambassador Aklilu has briefed the participants of the exhibition about investment opportunities in health sector in Ethiopia.

Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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