Foreign Betrayals, Interferences and Conspiracies Shall be Foiled by United Ethiopians

Despite the nations trust on international law and conventions, some of the western powers have betrayed Ethiopia on several historical occasions and have trampled with the cardinal values of collective security and peace at the League of Nations and currently at the UN systems. Thanks to the UNSC member states who stood for truth, their plots are foiled every time.

Conducting diplomatic and economic pressure on Ethiopia through punitive sanctions, they have emboldened terrorist TPLF and its lackeys to wage war on Ethiopia while they have conspired on Ethiopia through a proxy war by Sudan and Egypt to destabilize the country. A glimpse into the modern history of Ethiopia would show one how history of betrayal repeated itself.

Snapshot into the history of betrayal on Ethiopia

Right after the convocation of the Berlin Conference (November 15, 1884- February 26 1885,) European powers started to carry out their colonial dreams in what historians labeled as The Scramble for Africa. In March 1896 Italy invaded Ethiopia and several other African countries to compete in the scramble which the Europeans called the WhiteMan’sburden of civilizingAfrica. Ethiopia crashed the Europe colonial ambitions by remaining in full unity against the aggressor after the national call of Emperor Menelik II which read:

Now an enemy that intends to destroy our homeland and change our religion has come crossing our God-given frontiers. Now, with the help of God I will not allow him to have my country. You, my countrymen, I have never knowingly hurt you, nor have you hurt me. Help me, those of you with zeal and will power; those who do not have the zeal, for the sake of your wives and your religion, help me with your prayers. (Gebre Selassie, Tarika zaman Zadagmawi Menilek Negusa Nagast ZeItyopya, 1966, p. 225.)

Ethiopia’s ill equipped peasant army defeated one of the greatest colonial powers heralding freedom for Africa and disgrace for aggressors. In the event of current western conspiracy and intervention into the internal affairs of Ethiopia, a lesson should be drawn from history for any attempt to disintegrate this glorious country through rag tag terrorist army of the TPLF.

In gross violation of international law, 40 years after the victory at the Battle of Adwa, Fascist Italy invaded Ethiopia on March 1, 1935 but apart from keeping silent or waiting for the final outcome the League of Nations and the entire western powers deliberately failed to condemn the aggression in much the same way they have rendered deaf ear to the violations of human rights and punishable war crimes perpetrated by terrorist TPLF. On June 30, 1936, Emperor Haile Selassie I delivered a famous speech at the League of Nations which reverberates even today when Ethiopia has to grapple multiple sets of global conspiracies.

The Emperor noted “I assert that the issue before the Assembly today is not merely a question of the settlement in the matter of Italian aggression. It is a question of collective security; of the very existence of the League; of the trust placed by states in international treaties; if the value of promises made to small states that their integrity and independence shall be respected and assured… In a word, It is international morality that is at stake…”

The rise of Fascism and Nazism weakened the League of Nations. Most of the major European powers again failed to condemn Italy and never cared to support the cause of Ethiopia as a member of the League. Ethiopia to repulse the aggression mainly through the sacrifices paid by its gallant patriots. Today, the youth in the ENDF, Special Forces of the regional states and the militia and in some cases the entire public in local areas are defending their country against the attack from terrorist TPLF while those at the rear are raising funds and materials and donate blood.

In 1975, the US committed an unprecedented betrayal on Ethiopia by blocking arms sales worth 20 million USD under the pretext of the Carter Doctrine while it supported Siad Barre’s Greater Somalia dream for which it invaded Ethiopia from two fronts. NATO, Egypt, members of the Arab League and the former Soviet Union armed the aggressor to the teeth but Ethiopia was denied of arms for which payment has been effected. At that period, more than 300,000 peasants and workers militia willingly flocked to training camps and were later deployed to the front to defend their country against Somali irredentism.

Local betrayal and external aggression was in fact part of the history of this country but the people of Ethiopia have remained in unison to defend their country. Today the same story is in the making as hundred thousands of youth are joining the rank and file of the ENDF.

What is to be done in the advent of the Great Conspiracy on Ethiopia?

While US officials are calling for a dialogue with terrorist TPLF, at the backdoor they are hatching a contradictory conspiracy to dismantle the country. They have also been deliberately discrediting the 6th National Election through a systematic propaganda of lies and make-believe media hoax.

In their diplomatic support to terrorist TPLF, the western powers and the US are dead silent when the terrorists massacre children and their mothers at daylight in Afar, Mai Kadra and Humera and other places in the country. When the ENDF advances in the battle field, they shed their alligator’s tears lamenting on unverified violation of human rights and sexual abuse clearly indicating their deliberate support of terrorist TPLF.

All citizens of this historic country, far more than ever need to remain vigilant against the propaganda war of the enemy and refrain from being trapped in deliberate rumors and make up stories by the western and terrorist TPLF media. There is an urgent need to scale up combative and proactive media productions in the form of news, video clippings and press outputs targeting the false propaganda of the western media and terrorist TPLF hoax news.

Intervention into enteral affairs of countries is a beach of International law

The principle of non-intervention remains a well-established part of international law. The prohibition of intervention “is a corollary of every state’s right to sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence.” (Oppenheim’s International Law, p 428).

“The principle forbids all States or groups of States to intervene directly or indirectly in the internal or external affairs of other States” and that “a prohibited intervention must accordingly be one bearing on matters in which each State is permitted, by the principle of State sovereignty, to decide freely. One of these is the choice of a political, economic, social and cultural system, and the formulation of foreign policy.

History denotes that countries like Turkey, Russia, Vietnam and South Koreas vehemently fought against any form of interference into their internal affairs have paved a proper pattern of development and prosperity. They have demonstrated the illegality of intervention into the affairs of their countries and have fought off neocolonial strategies of the so called developed western countries. However, countries like Libya, Somalia, Yemen and Iraq who have allowed the intervention of foreign powers into their internal affairs have suffered from the consequences.

Moreover, western powers need to take into account that the people of Ethiopia have chosen their leaders and will never allow imported puppet regime to usurp public power vested in their sovereignty. Ethiopia suits for partnership and development not for neocolonial command.

Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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