EU, US Support TPLF’s Claims To Maintain Partnership: Italian Journalist

The EU and US are now trying to support TPLF’s claims as a way to maintain their long standing partnership, Italian journalist Francesca Ronchin said.


Talking to ENA, the independent TV and print journalist Ronchin said the EU and US diplomats and authorities seem to be strenuously walking in the same path they have been following since the war started in 2020.


“No change. They seem to be “for peace” but if we analyze their statements, the timing, the target of their condemnations etc… still seem quite lopsided,” she stressed.


UN Secretary-General, Antonio Gutierrez, who didn’t condemn the TPLF when it was advancing towards Addis Ababa through the Amhara region, “has begun to speak as if the situation in northern parts of Ethiopia were out of control while the reality on the ground shows the opposite.”


The US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on his part talks about “humanitarian crisis” while humanitarian aid has been continuously provided she said, adding as if it were not enough, the International Crisis Group (ICG) report describes the whole crisis without ever mentioning the TPLF responsibilities.


The journalist pointed out the UN comments seem widely influenced by WHO Director Dr. Tedros who, given his role, should also be impartial.


“The WHO code of ethics and professional conducts says this very clearly, “Who staff members must refrain from expressing their opinions and beliefs…or engaging in political actions that might interfere with governmental policies or affairs,” she added.


The EU and US friendship with TPLF is not something that happened suddenly, it goes back to 1991 when US and some European countries supported TPLF to get to power and stay there for almost three decades with no much blaming while they were abusing their power as it was reported by many international human rights organizations, according to journalist.


From its side, TPLF, during those years has been very active in placing its people in important roles within the International community, she said, adding “EU and US are now trying to support TPLF claims as a way to maintain that long standing partnership.”


“I think they must know what is really going on, but they are choosing not to be impartial. So it must be their choice. Hopefully, they will be forced by reality on the ground not to be on the side of those (TPLF) who seem to be losing the war as they know that Ethiopia is too big for them to loose” Ronchin indicated.


Noting they are just trying to do their best to maintain their old friendship, she said, stating “I don’t know if what they want literally “rescue the TPLF”, but what it seems pretty clear[is] that they are not fully acknowledging the Ethiopian government commitment to a peaceful resolution of the crisis through AU-led peace talks.”


Speaking on humanitarian aid to Tigray region, she stated that the Ethiopian Government should start to maximize the humanitarian aid efforts within the areas that have been liberated, coordinating the operation with international humanitarian organizations.


Secondly, the government, as urgently as possible, should restore in those areas the public services which have not been working for long. At the same time, the government should allow international media to enter these areas to report what’s going on the ground.


The government also should give maximum security and human rights protection to the civilians who live there, she urged.


Ethiopians in millions staged massive demonstrations today in many parts of the country to denounce undue pressure of western powers against Ethiopia. The demonstrators demanded   that western superpowers should stop  supporting the terrorist TPLF, which is that the cause of instability in Ethiopia.



Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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