Ethiopia’s Trade & Investment Relation with Arab Countries Should be Strong, Says Political Analyst

Ethiopia’s relation with Arab countries, especially its bondage in trade and investment, should be strong, according to Mohammed Al-Arousi, a prominent political analyst and researcher.


In an exclusive interview with the ENA, he said the country, which has trade relations with most of the Arab League countries, needs to enhance economic relations with the Arab countries without sacrificing its principles.


“Ethiopia need to enhance economic cooperation with the Arab countries in trade and investment. As Ethiopia has wide investment opportunities, these countries could get involved in various investment areas. Ethiopia does have economic ties with some of these countries, but  this needs to strengthend.”


According to Mohammed, the Arab and African economic environment, particularly Ethiopia’s economic environment, is full of investment opportunities — though it needs strict investment management.


Relations among the countries should, however, be based on comprehensive planning and economic decision making, he pointed out.


Mohammed further noted that Ethiopia’s diplomatic relations across the world and its participation in international forums are conducive to foreign investment.


The government and media should, nevertheless, play their roles in promoting investment opportunities in the country so that investors can make Ethiopia an investment destination.


The political analyst stated that Ethiopian diplomacy over issue of the GERD and the vision of economic prosperity are among the political and diplomatic achievements gained so far.


Mohammed finally urged the Ethiopian people to strive for the transformation of the country economically, socially and politically, in addition to promoting peace and stability to and protecting major national interests.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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