Ethiopia’s strategic interest and development are top priorities

Over the last four years Ethiopia has been pursuing the path of peace and mutual dialogue in the internal political developments of the country. The government has done everything possible to persuade terrorist TPLF to engage in dialogue and peaceful negotiations that has always been ignored by the terrorist group in its preplanned strategy to destroy Ethiopia by force and impose its will and desire on the people of this country. From the outset, since Tigray is one of the states that comprise the federal government of Ethiopia it was natural and legal that the government should enforce the rule of law which was violated when the terrorist forces attacked and killed officers and servicemen on the night of November 3, 2020.

As part of a national gesture to enable the people of Tigray to exploit the farming season in the year, the government declared a unilateral withdrawal from Tigray which was absolutely misconceived both by terrorist TPLF and some western powers who opened up a massive misinformation campaign stating that the ENDF withdrew from Tigray in defeat while in reality the action was taken to facilitate a peaceful farming season and smooth flow of relief food into Tigray.

However, the terrorist TPLF waged a war of attrition killing thousands of innocent citizens in Amhara and Afar regions, looting of public and private properties, conducting the most inhuman level of rape, vandalizing historical heritages and destroying infrastructure facilities in both regions.

The terrorist TPLF stood against the interest of the people of Tigray by sowing animosity among Ethiopians.  Moreover, in alliance with all anti-Ethiopia forces, the terrorist TPLF conducted a propaganda war and military attacks on the two regions in collaboration with its elements that migrated to the Sudan as refugees.

Ethiopia took the most consistent and principled diplomatic and military offensive in line with its foreign policy objectives and quest for peace not only in Ethiopia but in the entire Horn of Africa by adhering to the principles of peaceful coexistence.

The government of Ethiopia exhibited the highest level of patience, ordering the ENDF to stay where they are— and not to advance into Tigray even when terrorist TPLF launched another round of attack to once more give a chance for the people of Tigray to rethink about the war mongering nature of the terrorist and make the terrorist organization accountable for its actions.

Ethiopia was forced to withstand huge level of global one sided pressure at the UNSC, which was supported by international aid agencies including the UN systems.

The government of Ethiopia has made a marked shift of policy, of course this was on the table since the reform was launched by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, regarding conducting an inclusive national dialogue with concerned parties in the country as a forum to resolve all outstanding political, legal and socio-economic shortfalls in the country.

The upcoming national dialogue and reconciliation is the first of its kind in the country and it is very important for several major reasons. In the first place, it is a homegrown national effort for a strategic peace and development for the country and is not imposed on the government as some seem to infer.

Such national inclusive dialogue among parties and renowned persons in the country will provide an excellent opportunity to conduct in-depth discussion and reach national consensus on fundamental issues.

This national dialogue and reconciliation process is critical for the unity of the country. In a bid to promoting ethnic exclusiveness, engaging in open minded discussion focusing on the wellbeing of the country will be vital to look into the context of the big picture without resorting to emotionally charged views and outlooks that can endanger the unity of the country.

The foreign policy of the country focused on linking the domestic policy with its foreign policy objectives. In this sense, it is necessary to effectively balance between national, regional and global policies. This in turn requires adjusting diplomacy and foreign policy with sustained and strategic objectives of Ethiopia.  In this context, conducting national dialogue and reconciliation will help to promote the national interest of the country in a wider spectrum and will help to promote common understanding on promoting the international relations of the country.

On his official Facebook, the premier posted the telephone conversation he had with president Biden:  “a candid conversation with President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. on current issues in Ethiopia, bilateral relations as well as regional matters, ”  adding:” “We both agreed there is great value in strengthening our cooperation through constructive engagement founded on mutual respect.”

This perhaps is a green light on the part of the US government to directly engage with the Ethiopian Government—a  shift on the part of the US continue to work with the Ethiopian Government on matters of mutual concern instead of taking sides with terrorist TPLF based on misinformation. Once more, there is no compromise on the sovereignty and integrity of the country but balancing relations between countries to ensure the statehood of this country matters most.

Ethiopia is still pursuing a consistent foreign policy and diplomacy throughout the year  of conflict while the terrorist TPLF continued with its heinous acts, exposing itself to the rest of the world that it cannot exist outside of war, for the terrorist is determined to use all people in Tigray, young and old, as a cannon fodder. However, as a responsible government, Ethiopia has put in place inclusive national dialogue proclamation towards addressing the backlog of its problems through dialogue and reconciliation and reach national consensus on fundamental issues.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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