Ethiopia’s Ambassador Calls upon UN-Habitat to Support Rehabilitation, Reconstruction Efforts

Ethiopia’s Ambassador to Kenya, Meles Alem, on Monday discussed with Acting Director of United Nations Human Settlement Programme (UN-Habitat) Africa Office, Oumar Sylla.

During the occasion, the Ambassador and Sylla exchanged ideas on the major of cooperation between the Government of Ethiopia and UN-Habitat such as sustainable solid waste management, institutional coordination in the urban sector and urban development, technical support for integrated regional urban planning, resettlement of IDPs, and the WASH project.

Sylla noted that there is a strong partnership between Ethiopia and the UN agency since 1998.

He also underscored that the UN-Habitat portfolio reached 10 million dollars in five years.

Ambassador Meles Alem on his part, briefed the acting director on the current situation in Ethiopia with due emphasis on the rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts of the Federal Government in Afar and Amhara regions and the commencement of a national dialogue and reconciliation to bring about peace, unity and prosperity to the People of Ethiopia.

In addition, he called upon UN-Habitat’s Africa Office to continue its support in the aforementioned key areas and support the Government’s efforts to rebuild destroyed infrastructure and rehabilitate and resettle the internally displaced citizens as a consequence TPLF terrorist act.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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