Ethiopians in Ireland Exerting Efforts to Correct Misguided Stance of Irish Gov’t About Ethiopia

Members of the Ethiopian Diaspora living in Ireland said coordinated diplomatic efforts have been exerted to correct the misguided stance of the Irish government on the situation in Ethiopia

Members of the diaspora told ENA that Ireland has been pushing for international pressure on Ethiopia by repeatedly convening meeting at the UN Security Council for several times.

They revealed that the Irish government approach about the current situation in Ethiopia is an unacceptable.

In this regard activities have been intensified demanding Ireland to reconsider its position on Ethiopia by taking in to consideration the good relations between the two countries, the Ethiopian diaspora said.

The Ethiopians in Ireland have established a taskforce under the title “Voice for Ethiopia – Ireland” a year ago with a view to carry out diplomatic activities to aware officials in the country to understand the reality in Ethiopia and act accordingly.

One of the diaspora Rahel Dalton said Ethiopia and Irish have a long-standing relationship.

“Now it seems that things are changing. We are not happy with the actions being taken by the Irish Government to pressurize Ethiopia. What the Irish government is doing in the United Nations Security Council about Ethiopia is one sided. We, the Ethiopians and those of Ethiopian descent, are not happy and we are also informing them that,” she stated.

Mariamawit Uga on her part said “The Irish government’s position regarding Ethiopia, as we all know is misguided and biased.  This is unacceptable.”

The Diaspora has been writing letters to members of parliament in Ireland demanding the Irish government to correct its misguided stance on Ethiopia, she indicated.

In particular, she said, the diaspora is being made aware of the truth on the ground in Ethiopia.

Furthermore, she added that Irish citizens who are well aware of the political situation in Ethiopia have been meeting with some ministers in the country to discuss the situation in Ethiopia.

Members of the Irish government and officials have also been interested in understand the reality on the ground in Ethiopia, it was indicated.

Media outlets in Ireland have also been refraining from reporting biased stories about Ethiopia particularly after the terrorist TPLF had invaded Amhara and Afar regions and the damage it had caused in the regions.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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