Ethiopians are Suspecting The Impartiality of Some Western Powers

The UN Security Council is due to conduct its 8th session on the situation in Ethiopia’s Tigray Region on Thursday.

According to observers, the meeting, called by few members of the council aims at enhancing pressure and propaganda against the government of Ethiopia and to continue with their diplomatic war on the country by using the UNSC as a standpoint.

Over the last several months, the western powers and the US were frequently trying to confuse the international community by shifting the blame for insufficiency of food aid for needy citizens in Tigray wrongly shifting the blame on the Ethiopian government which is doing its best to facilitate easy access to food in Tigray.

The international community is wrongly accusing the government for the sluggish manner of food distribution in Tigray.

The US and its western allies have been accusing the government of Ethiopia for the current crisis in the northern part of the country. But the reality is indeed otherwise.

Who is to be blamed for the whole of the crisis?

Right after the convocation of the unilateral ceasefire, the Ethiopian government set aside more than 400,000 quintals of food, millions of liters of edible oil as well as supplementary food to be distributed to the needy.

In fact in her visit to Tigray several weeks back, the Samantha Power, USAID Director confirmed that she has seen a stockpile of enough food reserved to the people in Tigray which could last for several months. Apart from facilitating a smooth flow of food aid from Djibouti to Afar, the Ethiopian government fully cooperated with WFP by providing official permission to swiftly transport food by all means of transportation including air. This was fully appreciated by the WFP director.

Regrettably, terrorist TPLF expanded its invasion of the Amhara Region with the purpose of cutting off Ethiopia from her main trade and transport route and chock the entire country into submission to its forces.  Besides the killings, raping lootings, destruction of infrastructures among other atrocities, nearly half a million people have been displaced in Amhara region alone Due to the attacks orchestrated by the terrorist group.

Terrorist TPLF armed groups has also shelled a warehouse, clinic and IDP rehabilitation center at Fenti Resu in Afar after killing more than 240 people of which well over 100 are children.

While this is the actual fact, the US and other members of the international community remained silent when terrorist TPLF is decidedly conducting genocide; none of the international rights organizations condemned this savage action by the terrorist organization. USAID and its government continued to blame the Ethiopian government with no evidence. The truth is while terrorist TPLF is trying to use the obstruction of smooth flow of food to its own people as a weapon for political purposes, the State Department never cared to note that a spade is a spade.

A couple of days back, the USAID Director Samantha Power twitted on the insufficiency of food in Tigray but never mentioned the main perpetrator of this shortage of food. It was always easy for her to blame the government as if terrorist TPLF is not guilty.

Terrorist TPLF has continued to loot entire villages, killing whole families and even their livestock in the meadows. The terrorist organization deliberately disrupted the farming and business season in Amhara and Afar Regions destroying the livelihood of millions of citizens in the two regions. Still no one from the international community dared to condemn the perpetrator, terrorist TPLF.

Where is the Principle of Impartiality?

Despite the exaggeration of facts by the USAID director that her department is feeding 7 percent of the entire populations in Ethiopia in trying to undermine the nationwide relief efforts by the government, the international NGOs operating in the country have been reluctant to provide food aid to the IDPs in Amhara and Afar Regions.

According to Amhara Region Disaster Prevention, Food Security and Special Support areas Coordination Commission, nearly half a million people have been displaced in Amhara region alone due to the war being waged by the terrorist TPLF. The Commissioner said that international humanitarian organizations have not been showing interest to provide support to the more than 700,000 safety net beneficiaries located in areas where the terrorist group had carried out invasion.

While the Ethiopian government is doing its best in attempting to alleviate the sufferings of citizens in Tigray, instead of providing adequate support to the needy, some international NGOs are joining the global conspiracy on Ethiopia by trying to exacerbate the already fragile situation in the country by sharing wrong and biased information to the international community.

The measure taken by the Government to suspend three international NGOs, is in this regard demonstrates the fact that, some NGOs have been working against the national interest of Ethiopia.  USAID’s fortified energy food that was meant to be distributed for the needy in Tigray but caught in the hands of the militant of the TPLF terrorist group is another issue that has been arising question in the minds of many Ethiopians.

International media outlets that are responsible to give balanced and factual information to the whole world so as to guide interested international actors understand the reality on the ground and act accordingly to Ethiopia. However, what everyone is witnessing the reverse.

Ethiopia Citizens in Tigray, Amhara and Afar are all victims of the war waged on the entire country by terrorist TPLF, they are never interested in the conspiracy being hatched on their country. The propaganda ploy by the media in the west is a mere window dressing to for glossing over the war crimes and crimes against humanity that is being conducted by terrorist TPLF in day light. Instead they are massively engaged in false propaganda against Ethiopia with a view to support the terrorist group and mislead the international community.

The UNSC become another venue for the battle against the people and government of Ethiopia

The UNSC is due to conduct its 8th session on the situation inn Tigray. Although the entire issue in Tigray falls under the jurisdiction of the Ethiopian government, there is no problem if the issue will genuinely consider supports for relief efforts underway by the government of Ethiopia. However, the western powers and their allies are using the UNSC as a standpoint from which they can conduct pressure and propaganda war over the country. The fact that the UNSC is busy conducting a series of meetings on Ethiopia in general in relation to the situation in Tigray shows that the western powers are using the UNSC forum to conduct a diplomatic war on the country in their attempt to destroy the current political order in the country and replace it with a pro-western puppet government.

Given the open fact that terrorist TPLF has caused the disruption of peace in Ethiopia and given the truth that terrorist TPLF has exploited the government’s unilateral ceasefire to wage war on Amhara and Afar Regions, the call for peace, dialogue or ceasefire and the deaf ear and silence by the international community  for all these has been making the people of Ethiopia suspect that the western powers are fully siding with terrorist TPLF at the expense of the sufferings of the citizens in Tigray, Amhara and Afar Regions.

Mere call by some of the international community including the US, for peace and dialogue did not stop terrorist TPLF from committing genocide in Ethiopia. It is important that justice is served for those who were murdered in all areas in conflict. If the international community is genuinely concerned for the people of Ethiopia, it has to act impartially by stopping its support to the terrorist group and encourage government’s measures being taken to address the existing challenges in the country.



Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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