Ethiopian Diaspora Trust Fund to Build Schools Devastated by TPLF in Amhara & Afar Regions

Ethiopian Diaspora Trust Fund has signed today a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Education to build four high schools in Amhara and Afar regions with an outlay of 3 million USD.

Education Minister Professor Berhanu Nega and Chairperson of Ethiopian Diaspora Trust Fund Gabriel Nigatu signed the agreement.

It was learned during the occasion that the construction of schools in Amhara and Afar regions is part of the reconstruction efforts of schools damaged and destroyed by the invasion of terrorist TPLF.

The Ethiopian Diaspora Trust Fund will build the schools with a view to promoting a longer term socio-economic development in Ethiopia by providing a safe and secure educational environment for students.

According to the agreement,  two high schools will be constructed in each of the regions to meet the standard design requirements established by the Ministry of Education to accommodate a total of 3,840 students.

The requirements include classrooms with adequate space for students, offices, for staff, rooms for a library, laboratory, recreation among other facilities.

The schools, which will be constructed in the areas that have been hugely affected due to the invasion of terrorist TPLF are expected to be completed within twelve month period.

The Fund reaffirms its commitment to stand behind the Ethiopian people and it has also a plan to build schools in Tigray region after the conclusion of the conflict.

Education Minister Professor Berhanu Nega, Amhara Region Education Bureau Head Mateb Tafere and Afar Region Education Bureau Head, Ali Mohammed lauded Ethiopian Diaspora Trust Fund for being a role model and for its solidarity to the people of Ethiopia.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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