Ethiopian Diaspora in South Africa Working Closely with Other Africans against Neocolonialism

Ethiopians in South Africa are closely working with African brothers and sisters in fighting the neocolonialist approach of some Western countries towards Africa, a member of Ethiopian Public Diplomacy in South Africa said.

Behailu Mohammed, member of the Ethiopian Public Diplomacy in South Africa told ENA that  the challenge Ethiopia has been facing is not only an issue of Ethiopians but also the other  Africans.

“True, Ethiopia has faced internal problems. However, the country is mainly struggling against interventions of foreign powers that have neo-colonial interests,” he added, stressing that fighting neo-colonial sentiment of the West is the duty of all Africans.

Since Ethiopia is in proxy war with neo-colonialist, the public diplomacy group in South Africa has been closely working with pan-Africanist individuals and institutions in South Africa.

Pan-Africanists have been shown solidarity with Ethiopia in the fight against some neo-colonialist powers of the West, he revealed.

The recent #NoMore Movement rally held in South Africa was organized by Ethiopians, Pan-Africanist individuals and institutions, it was learned.

African Diaspora Forum was one of the organizers of the #NoMore Movement rally in South Africa.

“The concern of Ethiopians is also a concern of all Africans to stop powers from interfering in the internal affairs of the African continent and stop colonial sentiments towards Africa. To realize this, we are working hand in hand with other Africans. The Ethiopian Public Diplomacy  has been working with the Africa Diaspora Forum in this regard.”

The Ethiopian Diaspora in South Africa are also playing a big role in intensifying public diplomacy among Ethiopians and fellow African brothers and sisters, he pointed out.

Along side the campaign of Ethiopians with fellow Africans to stop interference of some Western powers in the internal affairs in Ethiopia, the Ethiopian Diaspora are committed to supporting IDPs and rehabilitate infrastructures destroyed by terrorist TPLF.

“The protest against interference of some Western powers to Ethiopia is still continuing. Besides being a voice for Ethiopia, Ethiopians in South Africa are committed to support the government and the victims economically,” Behailu stated.

He finally called on Ethiopians in all corners of the world and friends of Ethiopia to support the rehabilitation of damaged and destroyed properties.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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