Ethiopian Ambassador meets Security Advisor to President of South Sudan

Ethiopian Ambassador in South Sudan, Nebil Mahdi, met with the South Sudanese Presidential Advisor for Security Affairs, Tut Gatluak, and exchanged views of common interest.

During the meeting, Ambassador Nebil briefed the advisor about recent developments in Ethiopia.

He mentioned that the government took initiatives to conduct an all-inclusive National Dialogue to create a national consensus.

Ambassador Nebil further said the proposed national dialogue would foster the trust and confidence of different stakeholders in Ethiopia.

Despite the government’s efforts for lasting peace, the Ambassador revealed, the TPLF continued wreaking havoc in neighboring regions.

Recalling the recent visit of Ethiopian House Speaker Honorable Tagesse Chafo, the Ambassador requested Tut to work on the already existing joint border security mechanism.

Security Advisor to President of South Sudan, Tut Gatluak, on his part highlighted South Sudan’s commitment to the historical relations between the two sisterly countries.

He also praised Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s wise leadership in bringing tranquility back to Ethiopia, according to Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency


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